

厦门标华科技有限公司成立于2006年,在现场发泡包装和充气包装行业处于领先地位,致力于为客户提供低成本、环保、创新的缓冲包装整体解决方案, 帮助客户提供及优化缓冲包装材料、减少仓储空间及包装人工费用、降低包装总体成本的缓冲包装材料与设备一站式服务商。标华科技是工业零配件、仪器仪表、航空、汽车、医疗器械、工业互联网、电商等行业整体缓冲包装解决方案的领先供应商,多次被评为年度纳税A级单位,连续7年被评为阿里巴巴金牌诚信单位。 在聚胺脂现场发泡包装及充气袋缓冲包装行业,公司目前处于国内行业领先地位 。标华科技引进欧美等国家最前沿的设备及材料科技,拥有专业的技术团队及ISTA国际安全运输协会认证的包装跌落测试实验室,同时拥有一支经验丰富的顾问式服务团队,可为客户提供强大的技术支持及快速响应的售后服务。 更多》


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201611日起,美国希悦尔公司(NYSE股票代码:SEE)在北美地区的所有LOOSE FILL松散填充包装业务整体并入STOROPACK集团业务。与此同时,STOROPACK 公司收购了CPI公司位于美国新泽西州的聚苯乙烯(EPS)、生物降解填充包装 (BIO Loose fill)以及气泡膜包装(Bubble products)等保护包装业务。通过以上并购重整,STOROPACK 公司将借助北美地区的18个工厂和仓储中心为当地客户提供更加全面和高效的服务。


Strengthened commitment to Loose Fill business in North America

Effective January 1, 2016, Storopack, a manufacturer and marketer of protective packaging solutions, will effectively close two asset deals with Sealed Air (SEE) and CPI. The acquisitions will enable Storopack to increase its existing Loose Fill business in the USA and Canada, while further enhancing its competitive offering to its many distributors and customers in North America.

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Storopack offers a variety of Loose Fill protective

Effective January 1, 2016, Storopack, a manufacturer and marketer of protective packaging solutions, will effectively close two asset deals with Sealed Air (SEE) and CPI. The acquisitions will enable Storopack to increase its existing Loose Fill business in the USA and Canada, while further enhancing its competitive offering to its many distributors and customers in North America.

Storopack will be acquiring CPI’s New Jersey businesses in EPS, BIO Loose Fill and Bubble products which are currently served out of Somerset, New Jersey. Storopack will also be taking over SEE’s national businesses in EPS and BIO Loose Fill as well as cushion-bags which are currently served out of several SEE locations across the country. In both cases, Storopack will be taking on full responsibility for delivery, invoicing and serving all of the two businesses’ respective customers.

Production of the acquired Loose Fill and Bubble products will be integrated into Storopack’s current production network in the USA, enabling more productive use of capacities, while strengthening its portfolio of products and services to its distributors and customers throughout North America. "Both acquisitions increase Storopack’s Loose Fill business in North America and strengthen the company both strategically and operationally in a challenging protective packaging market segment,” commented Daniel Wachter, President of Storopack North America.

With a network of 18 production plants and warehouses in the USA and Canada, Storopack ensures on-time, efficient Loose Fill deliveries to its valued customers in both markets. The company combines this EPS and BIO Loose Fill offering with products such as BUBBLEplus® (bubble wrapping), MAILERplus® (Bubble mailers & bubble-outbags), PE foam, single-face corrugated etc. Both acquisitions significantly enhance Storopack’s commitment to Loose Fill as one of its core product offerings. 
